Having a good Study Place is important for good studying. Following are some simple guides for an Ideal Study Place.
- Is my Study Place available to me whenever I need it?
Your Study Place does you little good if you cannot use it when you need it. If you are sharing your Study Place, work out a schedule so that you know when you can use it. - Is my Study Place free from interruptions?
It is important to have uninterrupted study time. You may have to hang a DO NOT DISTURB sign on the door. - Is my Study Place free from distractions?
Research shows that most students study best in a quiet environment. If you find that playing a stereo or TV improves your mood, keep the volume low. - Does my Study Place contain all the study materials I need?
Be sure your Study Place includes mini library of all you references, stationeries / writing materials, paper, calculator, and whatever else you might need. If you use a computer for your schoolwork, it should be in your Study Place . - Does my Study Space contain a large enough desk or table?
Use a desk or table that is large enough to hold everything you need. Allow enough room for writing and try to avoid clutter. - Does my Study Place have enough storage space?
You need enough room to store your study materials. Be sure you have enough storage space to allow you to keep your desktop or other work surface clear of unnecessary materials that can get in the way. - Does my Study Place have a comfortable chair?
A chair that is not comfortable can cause discomfort or pain that will interfere with your studying. A chair that is too comfortable might make you sleepy. Select a chair in which you can sit for long periods while maintaining your attention. - Does my Study Place have enough light?
The amount of light you need depends on what you are doing. The important thing is that you can clearly see what you need to see without any strain or discomfort. - Does my Study Place have a comfortable temperature?
If your Study Place is too warm, you might become sleepy. If it is too cold, your thinking may slow down and become unclear. Select a temperature at which your mind and body function best. - Does my Study Place have the right aura?
According to Reiki Metaphysics, white ie related to the color energy reguired for our brain/head part. Ensure there is some white elements in the room. Have a white table cloth or paint the room white.
Adjust, Don't Judge
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